Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Arthritis Home Remedies

For my sisters, both of whom were diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis....this is for you....my 'arthritis home remedies'.

As many people know, rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disorder.  Why the body attacks itself is not known, but my intent is to get the body to STOP attacking itself.  The 'traditional' treatment for RA and other auto-immune disorders is to cover the pain and slow down the disease.  That seems well and good.  However, STOPPING the disease seems best.

Here are some pro-active, at-home things you can do to alleviate the signs and symptoms of many arthritic conditions.

  • Minimize the use of nightshade plants which include tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers and potatoes.
  • Minimize the use of rhubarb, cranberry, plum, chard, spinach and beet greens.  These foods contain oxalic acid, which can be an irritant to those with arthritic conditions.
  • Eliminate dairy products.  They are often the cause, not the cure, for calcic disorders.  Research shows that many people on a relatively healthy diet found that they could not be free of arthritic pain until they stopped eating dairy.
  • ADD Barley and Wheat-grass to your diet.  Due to their anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties they have been shown to speed up the recovery of arthritic conditions.
  • ADD foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.  Clinical trials have found that patients with rheumatoid arthritis were able to either stop or cut the anti-inflammatory medicine in half once Omega 3's were added to the diet.
The first step, however, is to identify your specific inflammatory biochemical markers.  When you know what is causing the inflammation in your body, you can make specific changes to correct the disorder.

For more information, visit http://www.brandnewdayenterprises.com/
Take the test that could change your life forever!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Whooping Cough Rates May Be Highest in Nearly 50 Years

Dear Friends,

I fell down a rabbit hole this morning.  I had in mind a healthful blog for this morning.  Then I looked at the morning 'health' news.  One headline grabbed my attention:

'Whooping Cough Rates May Be Highest in 50 Years'

It is clear that this headline was written to frighten parents....and with good cause.  Whooping cough is a very frightening illness. 

Having said that, what are the real facts?

Approximately 10 infants in the U.S. will die from whooping cough annually.  Without a doubt, that is a massive tragedy for the families involved.

Statistics show that over 4 million children were born in the U.S. in 2011.  That means the death rate from whooping cough in the U.S is .0000025.

Statistics also show that autism rates in the U.S. have sky-rocketed to 1 in 88. 

This would mean we can expect 45,454 children born in the U.S. in 2011 to have autism.

Though I don't minimize the horror of parents who lose a child to whooping cough, I am aware that thousands and thousands of parents are going to live with the horror of having a child diagnosed with autism in 2011.

Let's minimize the risk of autism in America by minimizing the amounts of toxins you and your family are exposed to.

It's a diligent task.  It's not an easy task.  Toxins are everywhere....but....raising an autistic child is not easy, either.  You never get a break from that. 

Proactive time now will pay large dividends in the future.

For more information, please visit http://www.brandnewdayenterprises.com/ or contact me directly at AskDrBecky@BrandNewDayEnterprises.com

Monday, July 16, 2012

Five Health Scares...

Libby Clark published an article in Men's Health Magazine on July 5, 2102.  I initially thought it was a joke...satire....but it wasn't.  This is being passed off as a legitimate health report.

The article is entitled, Five Health Scares You Can Ignore.

I'll get into the details in a minute, but I am so discouraged that someone would be so cavalier with these recommendations.  Someone, somewhere, may think Libby Clark is a health professional and may change some healthy lifestyle choices based on the poor information in this article.

So, here are the 'Health Scares' Libby Clark says you can ignore:
  1. Cell Phones Can Cause Brain Cancer
  2. Vaccines Cause Autism
  3. Nitrates In Meats Are Dangerous
  4. Mercury In Fish Is Dangerous
  5. Plastic Water Bottles Are Unsafe
Ms Clark seems to think the science that determined these dangers is flawed.  Apparently we can participate in these 5 activities with reckless abandon.  The talk of the dangers apparently over-rated.

Let's ignore the facts that autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100 over the past 20+ years (when multiple vaccinations were introduced).

Let's ignore the facts that we know BPA and pthalates in plactic bottles are endocrine disruptors.

Let's ignore the mercury that does, indeed, exist in King Mackeral and Tilefish.

I could go on forever, but I won't.

I'm just asking, please let common sense be your guide.

When using cell phones, please use 'ear buds'.

When choosing hot dogs and bacon, please choose 'nitrate-free' meats.

When eating fish, pass on the mackeral, shark and tilefish.

When drinking water, choose glass or metal containers.  And don't microwave with plastic containers.

My recommendation?  Ignore Libby Clark's article.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Organic Food is Too Expensive!

Organic food is too expensive.  It is a cry I've heard over and over.

It is my job, no, my mission to dispel that rumour once and for all.

And, no, I'm not going to give you some 'mambi-pambi' talk about 'what is  your health worth'?  'Pay for organic food now or pay for hospital bills later', blah blah blah!

I'm gonna show you that you can eat health-fully for less than you are spending now.  And who doesn't want to spend less for their food?

Great concept that I wish EVERYONE knew about.  It's called Community Supported Agriculture.  Nearly every community in the country has an organic co-op farm(s).  

You as the consumer, can 'join' the farm as a member.  And, usually once per week, you will get a basketful of delicious organic produce.  In most cases you do not get to pick what's in your basket (because it is what was harvested that week) but don't let that scare you.  This type of farming insures that you get, fresh, local, seasonal produce.

Some co-op farms even offer 'you pick' opportunities, where you and your family can go direct to the farm and pick produce for freezing and canning.  The farms are packed on 'strawberry' and 'tomato' days!  (In many cases there is not an additional fee to attend 'you pick' days.  It's a benefit of being a farm member)

So, how do you get your produce?  Do you have to drive to the farm every week to pick it up?

In nearly all cases, there are drop off points in your town where you will go to pick up your produce.  Typically the drop off point is no more than 2-5 miles from your front door.

While I am not an expert on the fees that all organic farms charge, I can tell you that the farm that I use, AnniesBuyingClub.com, charges $45.00 per week for a full-share of organic fruits and vegetables.  There are many different 'share' options.  A full-share is normally enough to feed a family of four for one week.  I love this math.  $45 per week breaks down to $11.25 per person/per week.  Broken down even more, $11.25 breaks down to $1.60 per person/per day. 

Did you ever think that you could eat organic fruits and vegetables for $1.60 per day? 

If you are fortunate enough to live in an area where there are several organic co-ops, look online to determine the foods the farmers grow.  Not all farms grow the same foods.  Pick a farm that blends best to your needs.  But, having said that, you will get food in your basket that is foreign to you.  That's a fact.  Don't be scared.  Use this as a culinary opportunity.  Most farms will provide recipes for every fruit and vegetable that is in your basket for the week.
Learn to be bold and brave in the kitchen.  Heck, watch the Food Channel and learn what some renowned chefs are doing.  Or, if all else fails, juice the darn thing.  Seriously, juice it.  You can juice nearly every food under the sun.  If you've got some leafy thing that you don't want to deal with, juice it, with some carrots and apple and you'll have a winner.

So now you know....eating organic fruits and vegetables will not break the bank!

Please tell all your friends.  They need to know the truth, too.

Here is a CSA link to get you started. www.localharvest.org/csa

For helpful tips for healthy living, please visit my website at: http://www.brandnewdayenterprises.com/

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh

I was so happy when I came across an article about the medicinal uses of frankincense in this mornings' paper.  The article was published in Medical News Today, a traditional source of medical news (ie pharmaceutical news).  That's part of what made me happy.  A traditional news source touting the health benefits of a NATURAL ingredient.....be still my heart.

It seems that a German health team discoverd the exceptional benefits of frankincense for its anti-inflammatory properties.  It appears to be a great help for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and atopic dermatitis.

Boswellic acids, from boswellia resin, interact with an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of prostaglandin E2.   PGE2 is responsible for fever, pain and inflammation.  Boswellic acid effeciently blocks this enzyme and reduces the inflammatory process.  This is great news, especially for patients with rheumatiod arthritis since the traditional medicines have the side-effect of DEATH! 

There are 10, or so, known Boswellia species in the world.  The resin of the Boswellia papyrifera is the most potent, by far.  (10 times more potent than the other species.)

So, my take home points would be:
1)  buy a boswellia tree and plant it.  (seriously, plant a tree)
2)  buy a therapeutic-grade frankincense essential oil and use it.  This stuff is not inexpensive, but it is awesome.  I use Young Living's frankincense because it is organic and certified 'therapeutic grade'.

If you'd like tips on how to use the frankincense oil, just let me know. 

Thank you.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Genetic Gamble

First thing this morning, I checked out The New York Times to see what was happening in the world of 'health and wellness'.

The first article talked about the 'heart-breaking ups and downs' of a new cancer therapy.

The story does not have a happy ending, but I was intrigued by the concept that some scientists have about treating cancer.

If you have cancer, the premise, in a nutshell, is that a geneticist will genetically sequence out your healthy cell and also sequence out your cancerous cell.  The geneticists will see where the sequence goes awry and will find the perfect chemo agent, or drug, to kill this mutation. 

In the case of the woman who was chronicled in this article, her form of cancer was T-cell lymphoma.  Her traditional chemotherapy had not killed or slowed down this cancer so (since her son was a doctor) she opted for 'whole genome sequencing' to see exactly where the mutation was occurring.

Once the sequencing was completed, her son determined that her mutation would respond well to a chemo agent for melanoma.  On July 28, she started her infusion with this new, promising, chemo drug.

Two things popped into my head immediately.
  1. Flowers for Algernon.  (Have you read the book?  Maybe saw the movie, Charly, based on the book?)  If you read the book, or saw the movie, you know exactly how this story ends.
  2. Charlotte Gerson and Dr Max Gerson.  Dr Gerson was a German doctor (survived the Holocaust) who treated disease with nutrition.  His daughter, Charlotte, is now in her 80's, and is tirelessly keeping his torch aflame.  When listening to her speak, I was struck by her statement, 'we can't heal the body by poisoning the body'.  So simple.  So true.
The part that confuses me most about oncology and chemotherapy is that we know, for certain, that cancerous cells are mutated cells, yet we expect these same cells NOT to mutate while we give the patient chemotherapy.  Really?  Why would the cells choose to behave now....and not mutate?  To me, the whole premise is flawed.  Unfortunately, fatally flawed.

The lady in the New York Times article rallied for a short window of time.  Crashed bad.  Had her cells re-sequenced and was given a 'kidney' drug for the second go-round.

She passed away on November 30.  The scientists donated their time to sequence her cells, so there was no fee for that service, BUT, the two chemo drugs used from July 28 to Nov 30 cost $49,000....More than $10,000 per month, and she still died!  This, of course, does not count the cost of her traditional chemo drugs that she was taking prior to the 'whole genome sequencing'.

I don't know why I get confused.....but I do.  Why am I the 'crazy' one when I suggest people eat healthfully  and exercise as a way to regain health?  It would be nearly impossible to spend $49,000 per YEAR on organic fruits and vegetables yet this family spent it in 4 months and the outcome was still DEATH. 

I am truly sorry for their loss.  I am not trying to minimize it in any way.

I am just hopeful that you, who are reading this, will take the time (before you get cancer) to watch a few great documentaries.  My favorites include:
  • Dying To Have Known
  • Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
  • There is a movie about the life of Dr Max Gerson (don't know the name...please Google it and watch it)  I think it might be called, The Gerson Miracle.
If you want to live a life healthier and happier than you dreamed possible, please visit me at http://www.brandnewdayenterprises.com/

Friday, July 6, 2012

Let Freedom Ring - Red White and Blue Deliciousness

Patriotic.  Fun.  Easy.  Delicious.  And...healthy.  Win, win, win.

Here is my recipe for my Patriotic Fruit Smoothie:

6-8 oz Almond milk   (I encourage you to make your own....it is so easy....I'll do blog on that on another day)
4-5 frozen organic strawberries
palmful frozen organic blueberries
1 small frozen banana (please peel banana before you freeze it)

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend.

Can it be any easier than that? 

Patriotic cuz it has strawberries (red), almond milk and bananas (white), you can see where I'm going with this, right?!?

But, what about the taste? 
It is so delicious.....seriously, it is delicious.

Who knew that healthy could taste so good?

So, drink up.  Surprise your kids with this delicious goodness.

Let Freedom Ring.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Side-Effect: DEATH

Just did some research on ADD/ADHD drugs for another project I am working on.  What I discovered floored me....absolutely floored me.

Ritalin is the drug of choice to treat ADD/ADHD.  How many parents and teachers know that the FDA has placed a 'Black Box Warning' on the use of Ritalin?

FDA “Black Box” Warning Label

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires the following "black box" warning on all methylphenidate drugs, including Ritalin, which means that medical studies indicate Ritalin carries a significant risk of serious, or even life-threatening, adverse effects.

A 'black box warning' means the side-effect of this drug can be DEATH.  And, given the severity of the side-effect compared to benefit of use, all other resources should be tried before prescribing this drug.

Adderall is typically the second drug of choice.  Let's see what Adderal says about their side-effects:
  • Adderall can specifically target the heart and respiratory system, causing temporary or long-term damage. In some cases, Adderall can cause sudden death or stroke in patients, in particular those who have a heart defect or heart problem. Adderall may also interfere with other medication for an underlying illness or medical condition. Adderall taken for long periods of time throughout childhood and adolescence may stunt growth or weight gain and lead to long term complications related to development.
    Adderall acts a central-nervous stimulant. Adderall should be used as a temporary medication to help control symptoms and help regulate brain activity. Long-term use of Adderall as a prescription medication treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may make symptoms worse and make withdrawal symptoms unbearable. Signs of withdrawal include severe depression or dysphoria, irritability, rage, trouble sleeping and an intense craving for the medication. Symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may be more severe during the withdrawal phase.
How many parents and school teachers know these facts?  Would parents and school teachers want our children on these drugs if they were aware of the dire consequences?

I can't imagine any parent wanting to risk the side-effect of death to calm their child down a bit.

Anyway, just wanted to pass on information I found important.

Informed consent is a form of freedom.

Let freedom ring.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Let Freedom Ring.....Day 2!

Today, let's commit to living 'pain-free'. 

I know that it's easier said than done.  Trust me.  I get that. 

Having said that, I also know that acknowledging your pain, and staying there, does not serve you.  (Acknowledge, yes.  Staying there, no.)

Can you be pain-free overnight?  Of course not.  Can you be healthier tomorrow with one wise choice today?  Absolutely!

So, for you, what's it gonna be?  Are you gonna make a better food choice?  Are you gonna walk to the end of the street and back?  Are you gonna write 5 things in your gratitude journal?  What's it gonna be?

Do something.  Anything.  Choose, each day, to live with LESS pain than you are living with today.

What have you got to lose?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Let Freedom Ring

I am a patriot.....a dyed-in-the-wool patriot.  I am one of those dorks who cries during our local 4th of July parade.

I pinch myself when I think about how lucky I am to have been born in the United States of America.  I could have been a woman born in India or China.

Every day this week, I will share a 'freedom' tip.

Today's Tip......

Live 'FREE' from high-fructose corn syrup.

This will be a chore.....to be sure.  But, the health benefits you will gain will be astronomical.

Doing this one single change will:
  • decrease your risk of cancer
  • decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes
  • decrease your risk of obesity
This seems pretty heady, when you think about it. 

One change with a minimum of three health benefits.

Let freedom ring.