Monday, August 6, 2012

Chemotherapy Worsens Cancer!

Chemotherapy Worsens Cancer. 

That's not what most oncologists want you to know, but new research just published from Fed Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle paints a different story.

Chemotherapy can undermine itself by causing a rogue response in healthy cells, which could explain why people become resistant.

Scientists discovered a specific protein, WNT 16B, that HELPS cancer cells GROW and invades surrounding healthy tissue.  (Most of us don't want to GROW cancer cells and we certainly don't want the cancer cells to INVADE surrounding healthy tissue.)
What the scientists at the Fed Hutchinson Cancer Research Center discovered is that  90% of the cancer patients with breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer not only developed a resistance to the chemotherapy drugs they were taking, but these drugs also INCREASED the production of WNT 16B by 30 times!
Holy Smokes!  The drugs that are 'supposed' to help kill the cancer is actually increasing the protein that CREATES cancer.
I've said it 'til I'm blue in the face.....and I'll continue to say it until I die.....poisons can't heal.  They're not designed to.  Poisons are designed to poison.
There are so many wonderful options for safe, effective cancer treatments.  And great documentaries, too.
Please do your due diligence and search out answers until you find one that resonates with you.  Do not make a choice based on fear.
Isn't it time to become PROACTIVE with your health and not REACTIVE?
To live a life healthier and happier than you dreamed possible, please visit us at


1 comment:

  1. Hi Dr. Becky! I've actually read that going completely organic has helped people with cancer - giving the body the right nutrients it needs to heal itself. It knows how -- we just don't always listen to it. Brava on this blog post. I am in full agreement with you. Toxins are toxins whether prescribed or not!
