Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Let Freedom Ring.....Day 2!

Today, let's commit to living 'pain-free'. 

I know that it's easier said than done.  Trust me.  I get that. 

Having said that, I also know that acknowledging your pain, and staying there, does not serve you.  (Acknowledge, yes.  Staying there, no.)

Can you be pain-free overnight?  Of course not.  Can you be healthier tomorrow with one wise choice today?  Absolutely!

So, for you, what's it gonna be?  Are you gonna make a better food choice?  Are you gonna walk to the end of the street and back?  Are you gonna write 5 things in your gratitude journal?  What's it gonna be?

Do something.  Anything.  Choose, each day, to live with LESS pain than you are living with today.

What have you got to lose?

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