As many people know, rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disorder. Why the body attacks itself is not known, but my intent is to get the body to STOP attacking itself. The 'traditional' treatment for RA and other auto-immune disorders is to cover the pain and slow down the disease. That seems well and good. However, STOPPING the disease seems best.
Here are some pro-active, at-home things you can do to alleviate the signs and symptoms of many arthritic conditions.
- Minimize the use of nightshade plants which include tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers and potatoes.
- Minimize the use of rhubarb, cranberry, plum, chard, spinach and beet greens. These foods contain oxalic acid, which can be an irritant to those with arthritic conditions.
- Eliminate dairy products. They are often the cause, not the cure, for calcic disorders. Research shows that many people on a relatively healthy diet found that they could not be free of arthritic pain until they stopped eating dairy.
- ADD Barley and Wheat-grass to your diet. Due to their anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties they have been shown to speed up the recovery of arthritic conditions.
- ADD foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Clinical trials have found that patients with rheumatoid arthritis were able to either stop or cut the anti-inflammatory medicine in half once Omega 3's were added to the diet.
For more information, visit
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