Friday, June 29, 2012

Belviq - The Easy Way to an Early Grave

I am so disappointed.  I don't know why.  I knew it was doesn't make it any easier.

Now that the FDA has approved Belviq as the FIRST weight-loss drug since 1999, many people will be lining up to receive their prescription....their miracle drug.

Amen!  Hallelujah!

But wait.....let's look deeper before we start singing songs of praise about this new, wonder drug!

Here is what the FDA says on our government website:
  • Most people in the study lost 5% of their weight over a 1 year period.
  • The average weight loss, over a 1 year period was 12 pounds.
  • The FDA originally REJECTED Belviq in 2010 because of the increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Though the FDA has approved Belviq, it is requiring Belviq to conduct six studies on the drug, once it  reaches the general public, in order to determine the real heart attack and stroke risks.
Let's 'sleuth' this down a bit.  By Belviq's own studies, most patients lost 5% of their weight after 1 year.  If you are a 300 lb person on January 1 and start taking Belviq, if you are SUCCESSFUL, you will weigh 285 on December 31.  Woo hoo....let's start the party!
Their studies also said the average weight loss, for the year, was 12 pounds.  This is EASY math, people!!!
  • There are 12 months in the year.  So this averages out to:
  • 1 pound of weight loss per month.  :-(
  • That means .25 pounds per week.
  • That means 4 ounces per week.
  • That means 1/2 ounce per day.
Who, on God's green earth, would consider taking a drug with the side effect of increased risk of heart attack and stroke for a 1/2 ounce per day weight-loss benefit?

Think about it?!?!?  Please!

If you did one small walk around the block every night when you got home.....I can guarantee you will lose at least 1 pound per month.  And guess what???  You aren't putting a drug into your system that has the side-effect of DEATH!

But, let's take it a step further.  If you gave up just one fast-food meal per week, and replaced it with a healthy food option, you would lose at least one pound per month.

So the question begs to in the heck did this drug get approved and who can market this with a straight face?

A 12-pound weight loss in a year???

Before you, or your loved ones, run to the doctor for your new miracle wonder drug, please look at the FDA website and research this for yourselves.  PLEASE.

Heart attacks and strokes for a 1/2 ounce weight loss per day.....

You gotta do better than that!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

So.....I have a question for you all.
What is the MOST important reason you have for choosing to become healthier?
  • to protect yourself from developing a disease?
  • to prevent the deterioration of your health?
  • to increase energy?
  • to slow down the aging process?
  • to avoid surgery and/or medications?
There are many reasons...that's for sure. 

Are you clear on yours?

Please is a consciencious decision to choose a healthy lifestyle....let us know why you chose to change.

Thank you.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Help Me, Please.

When I woke up this morning, the FIRST e-mail in my inbox was from an acquaintance of mine telling me that she has breast cancer.
She is scared (rightly so).  She wants information about a 'wellness' center in her area (the northeast US).  I will find that for her.

What I know for certain:  cancer is an OPPORTUNISTIC disease.  It will multiply like wild-fire if your internal biology will allow for that.

What I also know for certain:  cancer CANNOT grow, if your internal biology is in balance.  Not possible.

I'm a good ol' farm girl from Indiana.  I understand germination.  I watched many a corn-field be planted.

Corn can germinate if the conditions are right.  Take that kernel of corn, place it in loamy soil....give it plenty of water and sunlight....and, voila.....corn!

However, take that EXACT same kernel and place it on a concrete patio in your back yard.  Heck, you can even let the sun shine on it and water it, if you'd like.  Will it grow into a vibrant cornstalk bearing food?  Of course not.  Same kernel.  Same potential.  But....the ENVIRONMENT would not allow the kernel to grow.

The good news, folks, is that the exact same biology that suppressed the kernel of corn from growing is the exact same biology that will suppress cancer from growing in your body.

Now, rogue cells are always trying to change, trying to create dis-ease in our body....but, we can nip it in the bud.  We can REFUSE to make our soil fertile for such growth.

Here's where I want your help.  If YOU don't know what your exact body chemistry is....get it tested.  It's simple.  It's painless.  It's relatively inexpensive....especially right now.  We've reduced the price so that ANYONE can get this test.

Once you know what YOUR body chemistry is, you can make proactive changes to get back in balance.  The lab we use will create a custom-tailored nutritional supplement plan to get your exact chemistry back in balance.

If you have family and friends who are struggling with chronic health challenges, encourage them to get tested.

Most of you can probably remember when 'knowing your cholesterol number' was a big deal.  Well, this is MUCH more important.  You must know what your biochemistry values are.

Ignorance is NOT bliss. 
Ignorance causes unnecessary pain.
Ignorance leads to unnecessary medical bills.
Ignorance leads to an early death.

All working together, we can make this world healthier and happier.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hour of Power

Good Morning Dear Family and Friends,
It has been raining like cats and dogs in south Florida for the past few days.
When I woke up this morning there was a glimmer of sun.  Hip hip hooray.
I took the opportunity to go for a run.  It was awesome.  Running is my
'drug of choice' but I've been so busy launching this new business that running
has taken a back seat.  I am so glad I decided to run.  I was not back in the house
5 minutes when ANOTHER gully-washer arrived.
What is the take home point?  When you have a minute, or two, GRAB IT!
Do something good for yourself.  Eat a little better.  Move a little better. 
Think a little better.  As Nike says, Just Do It!
Small steps stacked daily add up very quickly!
Have a phenomenal week-end.
And....has anybody seen the Geico commercial where the kids get a possum for a pet?
I laughed out loud! 

Friday, June 22, 2012


Hello Dear Family and Friends,

Yesterday I had the privilege of doing a segment on our local television station about ADHD and Autism.  I am sharing that link with you.

I am in the midst of creating another website dealing solely with ADHD/Autism.

I hope you enjoy this video.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome, Friends

Welcome friends in health and wellness.  ;-)
Each day I will pop in for a quick 'hello'.
I might drop in a quick and easy recipe.
I might share an inspiring story.
I might talk about the lastest fitness trend.

Please know that the intent is to ALWAYS provide you with a small morsel that will allow you to improve your health.

My mission is to inspire you to live a life healthier and happier than you dreamed possible.

I hope that you will seek the constant and conscious pursuit of living life to your fullest potential.

Thank you for joining with me on this journey.  ;-)